Opportunity Statement
Associate Principal Opportunity Statement
Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls provides a mission driven program designed around
our commitment to excellence and a holistic educational model that prioritizes personal growth,
strengthening middot and Torah scholarship, academic rigor and opportunity, in a warm and
supportive environment. Ma’ayanot was founded in 1996 with the commitment to offer advanced
Torah and academic studies that inspire the young women of our community towards a life-long
commitment to Torah values and making a difference in our world.
Proud parent reflections include:
“The greatest part of Ma’ayanot is that the girls gained yirat shamayim. They have
acquired a love of Torah and it has defined who they are.”
“The school cares about each student and prides itself on meeting individual needs,
fostering a positive school experience and overall success.”
The full mission statement can be viewed on our website.
Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School, widely recognized as one of the leading Modern Orthodox
yeshivot in the country, is dedicated to a vision of facilitating students’ learning and personal
growth, so that they may be joyful and inspired members of Klal Yisrael. As noted by Rav
Aharon Lichtenstein z”l in his address at the inauguration of Ma’ayanot: “The first principle, I
think, with regard to education generally, and which needs to be particularly
emphasized in the field of women’s education, is that first and foremost one needs to
mold the person as an individual in all respects, with regard to character, personality,
intellectual ability, and above all, of course, in religious terms, as an oved Hashem.”
Situated in the heart of Teaneck, NJ, six miles outside of NYC, Ma’ayanot has long been known
for both the overall excellence of its academic program, as well as its holistic education that
values the personal growth and development of each student supported by a robust
co-curricular program, and multi-tiered guidance and support for students. Ma’ayanot has
approximately 325 students (grades 9-12) and 60 full- time faculty and staff members.
The Associate Principal position at Ma’ayanot is a choice leadership position in the Modern
Orthodox Jewish day school world. The position offers an experienced educator and
administrator the opportunity to join a dynamic leadership team and help to shape the
experience of our thriving and successful school community. The Associate Principal position
begins July 1, 2021. Application information can be found at the end of this document.
Ma’ayanot offers an educational program that blends rigorous study in the classroom with
creativity, joy, and relevance, while activities outside the classroom are also characterized by
learning, vibrancy, and hands-on engagement. Students develop close connections with the
faculty, enabling them to develop confidence as students, artists, athletes, and leaders. Led by a
highly dedicated and personable faculty, the academic experience is rigorous and supportive,
student-centered, and infused with Jewish traditions and values. Students study Talmud,
Tanakh, the Arts, English, Math, Science, Hebrew language, Jewish Law and Philosophy,
History, and Spanish and STEAM all within the framework of a curriculum that embraces
curiosity and humility. While preparing students for the 21st century, the curriculum gives
students the tools and skills they will need to be successful in a changing world. Students are
particularly encouraged to develop the ability to move beyond preconceived notions through
consideration of multiple perspectives, to think critically, to tolerate ambiguity, and to
acknowledge and appreciate ethical concerns. The core education is rigorous and students are
supported at every level appropriately to achieve their personal best.
Our educational goals are holistic and students are encouraged to develop leadership skills by
participating in a wide array of extracurricular activities — including athletics, academic teams,
student government, publications, student-run clubs, committees, and community service.
Graduates of Ma’ayanot are independent, creative, and critical thinkers; knowledgeable,
engaged, and passionate Jews; effective communicators; thoughtful and reflective collaborators;
ethical, responsible, and compassionate global citizens; and focused and resilient individuals.
Please view the Associate Principal Position Description for a listing of responsibilities,
leadership experience, skills and qualifications of a successful candidate.
To Apply:
Interested and qualified candidates should submit electronically in one email and as separate
documents (preferably PDFs) the following materials to leadershipsearch@maayanot.org
• A cover letter expressing their interest in this particular position;
• A current résumé; and
• A list of three professional references with name, phone number, and email address of each
(references will not be contacted without the candidate’s permission).