Family Conferences

Sunday December 3, 2017: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

At Ma’ayanot, Family-Teacher Conferences are a key part of our communication about your daughter’s progress.  Unique to Ma’ayanot, we encourage both parents and students to meet with teachers together to have a shared conversation.  Please note that there will NOT be a publication of Progress Reports for the first semester as we have had in past years.


Conferences will take place on Sunday, December 3rd from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Each teacher slot is 5 minutes.


The scheduling system will open on Sunday, November 27th at 8 PM, and will close on Thursday, November 30th, at 11:59 PM.  


How to Schedule Conferences:

To log on to PTC Wizard, please go to:

Log in as follows:

User Name:  your email address used by Ma’ayanot

Password:  Gorapids!


Once you move through the prompts, instead of the full teacher list, you will only see the teachers associated with your daughter in the system.


Please note the following:

Mrs. Brand is on maternity leave and will not be at conferences.  If your daughter is in Geometry 1562.2, you may schedule a Math conference with Mrs. Bernstein.  If she is in Algebra II/Trig 2542.2, Geometry 2564.4 or Algebra II 3546.3, you may schedule a conference with Mrs. Heller.

Mrs. Herzog will not be at conferences and will be emailing her students/parents directly.

Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Wasserlauf and Mrs. Katzenstein from the Learning Center will be available for conferences.  You may meet with either your daughter’s point person for an update and/or her learning center teacher if you wish.

Guidance Counselors for each grade will be available to meet in their offices.  The 9th grade counselor is Dr. Yaish, 10th grade counselors are Mrs. Birman and Mrs. Becker, the 11th grade counselor is Dr. Yaish and the 12th grade counselor is Dr. Cohen.